Waldorf dollboy Ole

Today I introduce you to little Ole. Ole’s story is this: he was lying in a drawer as a doll body without a face and hair, because I was not satisfied with his neck. He was one of the first dolls I did with a neck. Recently, I took his body out because I wanted to show a mother in our school how to embroider a doll’s face. I showed that with Ole’s face. And of course, when he had a face, he was suddenly alive and I fell in love immediately. I felt immediately that he was a little boy, and I knew exactly what kind of clothes he wanted to wear. And his neck is totally fine!

So he got beautiful clothes in real feinslieb colors. Also crocheted shoes from blue-gray baby alpaca and a cap made of cashmere knit. Ole has brown eyes, his hair is crocheted from Dolly Mo mohair yarn in a way that you can comb them, and he is 11,5″ tall.

Ole is still available for 170 Euros plus shipping (shipping included to Germany). If you are interested, write me an e-mail to maike@feinslieb.net!

He is also listed on Etsy.


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