It’s burning: Worldwide climate strike.

Today is the big, global climate strike. I participate in the worldwide strike. That’s why I do not process requests today and do not send out CE manuals. I join the campaign „All for the climate“, „Allefürsklima“ in German, where bloggers and influencers shut down their channels and blogs.

Fire in the background, statement in white: "Our house is on fire. Don't talk! ACT!"

Just a statement like my picture above is allowed, tagged with #allefürsklima. I think talking is no good. Now we all have to act. Big and small. Everyone must act, also you.

What we all can do for the climate:

  • Consume less, order less, shop less.
  • Consume sustainably / ecologically.
  • Buy and consume organic, fair, and regional.
  • Avoid plastic or prefer naturally degradable materials.
  • Reduce or avoid meat, butter and other animal products.
  • Reduce or avoid flying and driving.
  • Refer to green electricity.
  • Switch to an eco bank!
  • Donate and support those who manage sustainably.
  • Buy second hand! These are the most ecological products!
  • Repair instead of buying new.
  • Join you local climate strike today!

And you can start small. Every step is good and counts. Better start small than do nothing!

What are you doing for the climate?


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