Berlin doll Ella for my daughter

This year, I’ve been practicing needlefelting. My daughters have seen all the dolls with the „real faces“, as they put it. And of course, they both wanted to have a doll with such a „real face“ for themselves. So my daughter got a doll with needlefelted face for her birthday.

She had specifically wished for a small doll. So Ella is only 30 cm (12″) tall. I was very surprised when I found out that Ella can stand free, without doll stand. At least when I put her on a pair of leather shoes, which I still have from my childhood.

Her upper lip comes out quite pronounced in the photos. In real, it is much less visible. I find that needle-felted dolls are much harder to photograph than traditional dolls. The dolls with the felted faces always look a bit weird on the photos. At least mine. But maybe I just have to practice more, both when felting and when photographing 🙂

My daughter was so happy about her new doll. She gave her the name Ella, „And her last name is Alice, Mama!“ (which she pronounced in English). So the doll is now called „Ella Alice“. Of course, Ella needed clothes. My daughter currently loves pleated skirts, so of course Ella had to get a pleated skirt, too. The powder rose skirt is a piece of a used kids skirt that we got from neighbors. The gray cardigan with animal pattern completes the outfit.
Ella has now moved into our nursery and has already conquered her place among all the other dolls.

In the next few days I will put some needle-felted dolls in my Etsy shop, probably also Kiki, my first „Berliner Goer“. The „Berliner Goeren“ are dolls with modern, metropolitan clothing, cheeky and open-minded like the typical Berlin kid.


If you would like to have a similar doll for yourself or a child, I look forward to receiving an e-mail.


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